
All rights reserved to Natural Intuition Photography and Christine Dopp. Any violation will not be tolerated. Email me if you want any of the photos shown :)

Thursday, December 29

Reflections of the past 2 years {Wisconsin and beyond Photographer - Personal}

As this year comes to an end I have been finding myself reflecting on the past two years, not just 2011. I started my journey into Photography when I was just a child, my mom put a camera in my hand, and I just went snapping away. It was just an extension of myself.  So in 2010 I decided to jump into the wide world of photography. I did not do my research like I should have - but I did find myself a Rebecca Eby, she took my under her wing. I went along with her and Jen Towner during the summer. They both taught  me so much! I am now researching more than I EVER did in High School or College. Along with doing wedding with them, I did a few family sessions for friends and family. And when I look back at them, I have noticed that I have grown and learned.

Here is a photo of the very 1st session I had gotten paid for as a business. (Including my old logo/watermark)

And the last session I have had in 2011 {Can you see the difference} I know I can - I have learned my camera so much better, and editing less and less. LOVE IT.

Then in 2011 I was all alone - I did very little second shooting, and I had THREE of my own weddings. All of those weddings were scary. (I am blogging about all of them in another blog later :) I jumped into a passion of mine and I was unsure of the path it was going to take. I learned that there were millions of people that thought they were photographers just because they had a camera. And there were also thousands of photographers that were AMAZING. And I constantly would wonder how do I prove myself as not a fake, and to prove to those who were amazing, that I can also be amazing with them. And then I attended a workshop and I heard the best advice I have gotten from anyone was - 'do what makes you comfortable'. So I stopped thinking about what people wanted or thought, and did what I wanted to do. This journey is mine, and I know I won't make everyone happy - and I know not everyone will like my photos. And I say to those who don't like my photos 'don't look at them - and don't book me'. I want to meet people that like my photos, and trust my vision. I am not a cookie cutter photographer, and I know you are not barbie and kens. You are beautiful human beings, and I want to be able to capture the full joy and love you have to share.

Through the year my session got more and more - and I learned that I ADORE Maternity photos, and have learned that my newborn sessions are not like the typical newborn sessions. Kids like to run around, and not smile pretty for the camera, that I am OK with - this way I get to capture the read childhood of them. You are only a kid once, and you should be able to run around and be silly. Wedding are stressful, but also so much fun, you get to see the joy on the couples face, and the proud smile of the parents when they come to realization they children are all grown up. Engagement session are something that is pretty cool, because they get to take a break from the planning and just be there with each other. Their love is the reason for the party, nothing more, the planning and stress is worth your life together. I hope and can't wait to get more chances like the ones I had in 2011.

Every session I had in 2011
 At all my weddings I have been the sole shooter, I got paid very little so I couldn't afford a 2nd shooter. But my wonderful boyfriend Justin was there for ALL of them. We both have made sacrifices for this journey, but we know in the end it will all be worth it. You don't get anywhere worth it just by sitting back and letting it happen, it takes HARD work. 

I don't know what I would have done without Justin's support. He has come to every client meeting, and session that I have had. He knows how nervous I get and at weddings I am on edge, and I sometimes yell (quietly) but we still love each other at the end of it all. He keeps me grounded, and my hopes high that my journey will mature and grow and not wilt. 

At first I also read any and all blogs I could find, and checked out all photographers photos - this is NOT a good idea. You start to nit pick at your own photos, and you stop learning. Yes some blogs are great, and you learn a lot, but when you start looking at your photos and start thinking that you just plain suck. You get yourself no where, I started looking at what they have and see what they do, and learn from it. But I know I am not them, and they are not me, I do not want to be like them, I want to be like me. My photos are an expression of my vision - no one else. 

In 2012, there are going to be new things happening in the world of Natural Intuition Photography. I now have a logo, that was designed by rethink ink designs and I will debuting that soon! Also, new equipment will be seen in my hands a Nikon d300 will be my new weapon of choice. My new packages are already underway check them out HERE, but some other changes will be made to the High School Senior Sessions. I am still in the works for those, and will be posted in a 2012 blog. New products will be announced, and I am doing my very 1st Bridal Show in April 2012 - I will keep you updated. 

I am ending one of the most personal blogs I have written with that I LOVE all the clients that have come into my life, and let me experience their families, and joys with them. Also, the wonderful photographers that I have met, you are all so great, and some have become good friends. I hope you will help me continue to grow, and I hope to work with more and more clients, and meet more photographers. This has been a wonderful bumpy journey, and I there isn't much I would change about it. I am hoping 2012 will bring even more joys and challenges - I am game for them all!!!

Thank you! and Much Love!
Natural Intuition Photography


  1. I envy your passion and dedication to do something you love. The road is scary when you are by yourself. Justin has been there thought it all, but you are living the dream. WAY TO GO
    All my best for you and your clients in 2012.


  2. absolutely LOVELY Dopp!!! as you are too... Much love and support, Jamie :)


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